If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Four Seasons in One Day
The title of this post really fit the weather this Sunday. I woke to the pouring rain and the disappointment that once again I'd be unable to garden. It's official that this August is the wettest since records began. By the time I'd managed to get out of bed and down some breakfast the sun had come out and it was warm enough to lose the sweatshirt. I decided to go get wet. I really wanted to build a raise bed to grow my carrots and peas in. So I set to with my unhandy skills.
I think our household is missing a vital gene. In fact if I didn't know better I'd say we were foreigners. The great kiwi ability to DIY is definitely missing. But I do own a rusty hammer and an equally rusty saw. That was enough to knock together the required bed. I then barrowed compost from the bottom of the chicken coop up the slope. Lots and lots of barrow loads. I was sweating buckets by the time I'd finished cleaning the chicken coop and filling the new bed.
I was covered in mud as I finished but boy was I happy I'd finally achieved something in the garden. I collected the seeds to plant. Garlic up the back amongst the black currants (yes I know it late for garlic but I'm going to give it a go), sugarsnap and climbing peas, carrots and a few strawberry plants. Then the heavens opened at it started to hail. I ignored the weather and got those seeds in.
After I finished the lightning and thunder started. Then the rain, then the sun, then the rain, then the thunder and lightning, then the sun - actually I think you are getting the picture. Four seasons in one day.
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